(The above pic. are of some gay rallies in Sydney).
Opinions presents a queer set of quandary, it ranges from grand moral withstanding, a liberal overtone, radical to the point of no return, chameleons like, changes with every event or like a whore, ready to shift places at the most opportune time. Excuse me for using such a ignoble example to make my point, but the more I think of it the more convinced I become.
Of course people are entitled to change their opinions based on knowledge, understanding, experience and research, also changing opinions based on these activities is the sign of learned, mature and evolving society but when opinion change happens out of convenience rather then conviction, petty compulsions then out of rational judgments then it assumes a whore like character.
Opinion formation is also quite a task, for me its the collection of information, assimilating them, reading editorials and getting to know of differing views, looking into my experience on the topic, weighing the arguments in favor and against and finally coming with a kind of opinion. Of course its evolving process and can change based on reason and logic. At times opinion formation can take long and having given much thought to it, I still remain indecisive, on other occasion it comes without much effort.
One such issue that has been baffling me for some time now is the legality of Gay relationships and the acceptance of the same in society. Last few week
Here is my take on this, though I still haven’t been able to form opinion completely.
Homosexual relationship has always been existing in the society since the time we can trace History. I have tried to draw a parallel with mental disabilities and homosexual behavior. From what i have gathered from Shakespeare plays in school days and a quick glance at wikipedia, mental disabilities was looked upon a curse from god. People with such disabilities were treated as a social stigma, thrown in prisons, punished with hunters and treated as scum of society. Even in Indian society they were treated as a result of bad karma from past life and thus left to the fringes. With the progress of science and evolutionary process one has come to realize that its a biological disorder and just as any other disease it can be treated and cured. Today a person with such disability can live a normal life with no such stigma attached. It is also true that though we acknowledge disability although we don’t treat it as a normal behavior and try and find cure for the same.
Now coming back to homosexual relationship, this too has had a similar fate and over the years people with such tendency were ridiculed and cursed. It is only now that we have begun to acknowledge it and regard it as just another human behavior; also it has the direct co relationship with commitment to the values enshrined in the fundamental rights of the Indian Constitution that no person shall be denied the rights to equality, freedom of expression, and life, on grounds of sex.
We have to realize that such a behavior, though have been there for ages is still an aberration and does not confirm with the existing socio culture. An open espousal of such activity can only lead to more discomfort and make things more complex. Unlike mental retardation we cannot classify homosexuality as a disease and therefore i am not sure if there is a cure for the same.
I always believe that in acknowledgement likes the solution and denial can only accentuate the problem. Acknowledging homosexuality by making it legal is the first step in solving the problem, beyond this my opinion still remain indecisive...
With the legalization homosexual,which is very clearly rejected by all religions:
1. could be human in the face of the earth will be extinct due to stop reproduce.
2. that was the beginning of the spread of venereal disease and that it is also not health
Homosexuality is a big sin, have very clearly mentioned as in the Bible, story of "Sodom & Gomorrah"
The pattern thinking of libral, which was adopted from western culture.
If you still indecisive why you support the legalization? did u know its deviate from norm and religion?
i strongly oppose homosexuality.. it may spread AIDs virus to many innocent people... and it also effect physically filthy and it may even spread many diseases...
That about MENTAL DISORDER !! God created Men & Women...a pair.
Hopefully God will give you enlightenment in your life, so.. you can think right & clear.
Only not cultured human, damage this world with do not accept the natural way (heterosexuality). Sex should be natural, reasonable & appropriate norms.
Thanks Raj, Anonymous, Akash,Bee, Good Friend, Good Way and Dev for writing your comments and sharing your views. As i said we all have right to our opinion and i respect the same. At the same times in any society there are differing opinion and more often then not opinions are shaped with prejudice, both cultural and social. As for the religion not prescribing it, religion is also in a constant state of flux..changing with time and situation, many things which were a taboo or sacrilege in another era is totally acceptable today. As for spreading of disease is concerned i think otherwise. By making it legal more and more people will come out in open rather than remaining silent over it. This will solve the problem and many will get cured rather then spread it.
As i had said in the blog..the first step in solving the problem is acknowledging it...am glad we have been able to do that.
Well... thought patterns and cultural community is very difficult to change,its a challenge of change.
ps. for putu
Isn't it ?? :))
Should judgment, prejudice and stigma abolished !! think smart buddies.
for putu.
1. Our last discussion about this topic, we have not completed and no conclusions yet.
2. which part of you ?? :))
(hetero,homo...or .. ) :))
Human species will be extinct and the world will be destroyed if all human have homosex orientation.
Homosexual is a disease that can spread, may be you can be one of them.:)))
For SAC :
As for the religion not prescribing it, religion is also in a constant state of flux..changing with time and situation,
See...you are still not understood, the prohibition of God at any time, anywhere and forever remain the same.
"At the same times in any society there are differing opinion and more often then not opinions are shaped with prejudice, both cultural and social"
SAC..You do not understand and recognize your root culture.
Some countries enforce the death penalty for homosexual behavior. With the sanction death penalty, people will think with a thousand times to do, and the effect of disease can also be restrained.
That is reasonable punishment and should apply.
I think, even if homosexuality be legalized still it won't be accepted by society in large because foundations of the society are built by relationship of men and women,instead of homosexuality.
Moreover, this issue is a good segment for politicians because it would help in building the minority group as a prospective sector of votes.
Another reason for my in against it is that homosexuality legalization could result in the increase in STI ( sexually transmitted Infections)which is also not good for society as a whole.
FOR: God Way,Good Fried & Heterosex
Two things must be understood, the difference between sexual orientation and sexual behavior, Sexual orientation is interest in emotional, sexual & romantic. And what is called a Heterosexual, Homosexual & bisexual those are called sexual orientation, and those are caused by various factors, among environmental factors, biological, social & culture. Lately there is enough evidence to say that biological factors, including genetic and hormonal factors play a large role in someone sexuality.
It is true that there are two genitals, male & female or called man & women, but sexual orientation is not a single (heterosexual) and that should be accepted in community as reality.
And these are reality too…homosexual behavior as sodomy had done by people who said they were Heterosexual as: Pedophilia cases, prisoners who are in prison, sailor etc.
FOR : Good Friend, Good Way
35 years scientific researches that are designed well and objectively have shown that homosexuality itself is not related to the aberration of the soul, emotional problem or social problem. On 17 May 1980 WHO (World Health Organization) revoke homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses.
Of course I prefer to believe scientists & WHO than you both :))
Gay/lesbian (homosexuals) as HIV/AIDS spreader ?????
In fact the risk of HIV infection is associated with the behavior of a person, not a sexual orientation. Highest risk of HIV infection is cause by free sex behavior that is not safe, without the use of condoms and syringe use in IDU (injection drug users).
The most important thing to remember about HIV / AIDS is that it is a disease that can be prevented by safe sexual behavior and does not consume drugs.
STI (SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS) are passed on through intimate sexual contact.
STIs include: gonorrhoea, chlamydial infection, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chancroid, genital herpes, genital warts, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and hepatitis B infection.
They can be passed on during vaginal, anal and oral sexual intercourse, as well as through genital contact with an infected partner.
If homosexual considered as a carrier of disease.
Aren’t they minority in this earth ??
Isn’t it heterosexual the majority of people in this earth ??
Of course, heterosexual are the biggest contributor to the spread of this disease in the earth (this is only think logic).
FOR: Raj, Dev & Hetero.
Do not worry that human species will become extinct & the world destroyed cause by the increase number of homosexual in this earth.
What you need to fear is human species will disappear and the world destroyed because the OVER POPULATION on this earth.
The largest contributor and problems from the OVER POPULATION is heterosexual, ISN'T IT ??
FOR: Anonymous,BEE & God way
Community during this has been constructed through religion commentary, cultural and state policy that reinforces what normal & correct is heterosexual. Beyond that it will be considered not normal and wrong. This is where our community is in heterocentric (centered on heterosexual), and the religious leaders of course are also relating with heterocentric cultural when giving religionist commentary.
Problems on holy books text of religions will face different commentary, this difference has happened since hundred of years ago, for example in the commentary of abortion issue, female circumcision, women leaders and a matter of planned family. Everything until now is still become a long debate of religionist
I still believe that every human is blessed with ingenuity to be critic in actualize faith.
I do not have the competency in philosophical theology, can only say that I believe God's love, deepest, highest & strength exceeded all our intellect, the only task that needs to God & all of us to do is pick up & distribute that unconditional love, also with unconditional to each other.
I believe that the quality of life is not determined by the sexual orientation, but determined by the deeds on earth.
FOR: Akash & Dev.
Social mechanisms that apply to Etoro & Kaluli ethnic in Papua New Guinea, is an institutionalized Homosexual relationships.
Heterosexual sex deemed objectionable, but necessary for reproduction. Women who want too much sex are seen as the evil witch. Coitus with his wife too much can be dangerous to the health of the husband. They allow the heterosexual to have sex, only about 100 days a year, over than that is taboo. Homosexual behavior is seen as important, they believe that young people can not produce its own liquid sperm, to be developed as a man who can finally give life to the children of their own future, young people have to obtain seminal fluid oral from men who are older. There is no taboo associated with this practice. Gay activities can take place in the bedroom or in the garden. Every three years a group of young people around the age of twenties formally “insemination” to be "mature". They went to the hut in the remote mountains where they visited and "fertilized" by some men who are older.
The institutionalize of homosexual behavior, development of myths surrounding sperm and sex between women and men, and Homosexuality in Etoro and Kaluli community clearly not based on hormones, genetics, biological, or love, but on the cultural tradition.
Putu..you have much knowledge about homosexual, i just think you are part of them, that called lesbian/gay :))
Hey...how about give your answer to moen fresh ?? or you shame to acknowledge about it, because that is sin, disease, mental dishorder, dirty ?....:))
FOR: Anonymous
Homosexual is not mental disorder or disease.
You still not understand,read again my last comment. i am sure that you have HOMOPHOBIA and i think you should have first aid :))
Why should i ashamed? homosexual, heterosexual & bisexual, those positions are equal.
Yes i am heterosexual.
We do not have the right to condemn,called it sin, those who think or do something different from us, especially if we are still enslaved by our own fun sex-lust in other form.
Ultimatley its about acceptability to one's value system .. and it is not acceptable to me .
Legality is a seperate issue altogether.Prostitution , gambling is legal some countries , does not mean it becomes acceptable to everyone.
So thats the bottom line.
If you r hetrosexual, it does affect you...chill!!. If you r homosexual, celebrate if you want to.
Hey all,
I understand Putu's point of view.
Look... she tries hard to give views regarding this issue, to open up your mind. She is not giving her own statement in giving comment, but giving information what is homosexual, information on health, cultural information. So that we don't fight on stigma that widely spread, dogma in the society in which it is not always true. Therefore whether we accept or not, we have the base, the arguments, the opinions, not just saying i can't accept it... it is more on the argument behind/base the acceptance or not, not according to stigma and selfish, stiff minded that we have.
Putu is not in pro or contra side, she tried hard to give arguments based on scientific, health, culture etc.. so that differences can be well accepted.
When we take our own values in seeing differences, so you can say "It is not acceptable to me" you must be careful with yourself, do not become a justification to the violence, discrimination, judgment, against something that you can not acceptable.
In this world many people with narrow minded, also many with open minded...never give up Putu ! i know you as well.
Putu...you smart, but i believe you're one of libral groups, which is only to think worldly life and never think of the world after death. I believe you don't have religion, and can only say "love" and didn't know sin, curse of God, and I'm sure you didn't think heaven and hell.
You and your friends that will be in hell...fire will burn your body full of sin.
For : God way
Thank you for your compliment & future forecast of me, with my pleasure I accepted those all. I highly respect freedom of speech of others.
These are my own statement, without religions or groups labeling.
1).I think it is not important showing what my religion is, because it is not something that I should boasted of.
2).Right as you said! I only know about “love”, may be because I am stupid only knowing that all religions based on love/affection. May be you can show me that there is new religion based on other than love/affection? With pleasure I will try to learn & understand.
3).Maybe I don’t know about what is called sin, God’s curse, as you meant; maybe you’re right that I only think about worldly. But I know and I am absolutely sure whatever called is mass massacre, decimation, slaughter, humanity crime, war, discrimination toward minority groups, racism; by any reason those are not right & unreasonable to do on earth.
4).It is correct that I never know what is called heaven & hell looks like, or where they are?? I really don’t know?? But I do believe that it is exist. Maybe you much better know than me because u had gone for vacation to those places? One thing that I believe you are not who determines where will I be, whether it is in heaven or in hell.
5).If I have to choose where I will be, in heaven or hell, if heaven is especially for people like you, I prefer & glad to be in hell….cheer.
HOMOSEXUALITY is not so big matters fo which we should make so much of sceen.i think in our society doing sex with opposite has been considered as act of moarality instead of same sex.This is society views not natural views how can we say a better compatibily or good partner can only be a opposite sex. If we intimate to any one naturally we will like to go with her/him in all things so wht if it is sex .?suppose some day if simply eating is crticised then if a man eats then he will treated as bad person .like this bisexuality has been openly accceopted but homosexuality is discarded.I belive to go with flow not in making rule .whenever thr is restriction is flowing free always we will find another way like rape.so in a civilised society we should accept it as normal and important thing .
HOMOSEXUALITY is not so big matters fo which we should make so much of sceen.i think in our society doing sex with opposite has been considered as act of moarality instead of same sex.This is society views not natural views how can we say a better compatibily or good partner can only be a opposite sex. If we intimate to any one naturally we will like to go with her/him in all things so wht if it is sex .?suppose some day if simply eating is crticised then if a man eats then he will treated as bad person .like this bisexuality has been openly accceopted but homosexuality is discarded.I belive to go with flow not in making rule .whenever thr is restriction is flowing free always we will find another way like rape.so in a civilised society we should accept it as normal and important thing .
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