And i always thought "seeing is believing."
That day , like most days , my eyes moved stealthily just to catch a small glimpse of her - - she was there , gently holding a rose in her palms. The dainty flower, radiant as the vivd sight in my memory, lying blissfull and silent at the center of her attention.
Ensconced in a green chair ,her arms outstretched a tad ,elbows resting calmly on the office table.Brown hair in slight curves hung over her forward leaning shoulders ..fingers softly turned the slender stem of the yellow flower ...the slow movement appeared to turn back time ...taking her away ...thoughts, as if transparent, floating question in a whisper ...
PS : This gives an opportunity to table a long standing thought . Since the time subprime became a house hold scare across the world, and all the packages offered by governments across the world in terms of fiscal as well as monetary , i have been thinking that that there has been no direct measure to attack and focus on the root cause of trouble - the so called toxic assets -they are still existent in their initial form. The risk perceived around such securities needs to plummet . It is only now that the fed has offered to purchase these ( of $1 trillion )and hold . This to me is the first direct attempt to resolve the situation. The previous ones have been centered around on bail out of organizations and restoring the credit flow ( deployed to ease the tight credit situation and restore confidence ) .This one is the first to hit the bull's eye.
Colours gives our lives a new meaning and adds a different dimensions to things around us. Imagine a world which is colourless, where we have only different shades grey and white to choose from, where it is difficult to distinguish water from sky, dirt from design and a rainbow is but an arbitrary combination of grey and white. To think of the world as we see it today in contrast to the one I had asked you to imagine, one cannot help but count his blessings. Lately the world has been fascinated by a different kind of colour and it clearly seems that red is the flavor of the season. With each passing day the red grows graver in Wall Street and markets across the world. With the sudden reversal of trends the countries are on a nationalization drive and some are even wondering it’s the end of road for Capitalism and a reincarnation of Communism (Red is back). The recent bombings, acts of terrorism and violence, genocide practices, campus shootouts, religious wars and other human crime goes on to suggest that red rules the roost.
One cannot help but draw a parallel to our immediate neighbours...yes you guessed it right ...Pakistan who on the face of it has completely given up on green and adopted red. Strange are the ways of the world...just the other day it seemed that they are ready to do a jihad for green and today red is all they want. The long march in
Last week
We all have witnessed the phenomenal success of Slumdog in Oscars. Suddenly an indiscreet slum in suburban Mumbai became the toast of the most coveted awards, so much so that it swept it completely. I have not yet watched the movie which really does not come as a surprise as i have not been into movies lately but for someone who know me well enough, me not having watched Slumdog yet would be slightly misplaced. Though i am still pondering over watching the movie, the debate and fervor that movie has generated in the media actually qualifies me to have watched half of it.
Last few days i have been traveling a lot and one very important stopover for me was Mumbai and it happened just after the success of Slumdog. The primary reason for the visit was a long pending case in
In media circles there is a huge debate going rounds that whether the success of this movie is because of purely artistic ability, great story, great music and the sheer brilliance of Danny Boyle or is it simply because the director has once again been able to poverty India in a way the suits the foreign taste (poterying poverty and slum of India). The very fact that the person residing in slum has been labeled dog underscore a very important point.
It would be hysterical on my part to join another debate but the point I want to make is the success of this movie has given new hope to slum dweller not just in Mumbai but across